Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Many people don’t understand the true worship to God. They try to find a big name for themselves in this world and that is very selfish way of following something in the name of God.
God is asking us to do his blessed will in order to change our lives to his image and live holy lives, because God is Holy.
Romans 12:1-2 God is asking us to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is a reasonable worship in his sight. We need to transformed our way of thinking by filling every spot of our mind with his Holy Word.
The majority of people follow a god who can be changed when ever they like and god who can be manipulated anytime, god who does not have power to command, but commanded, god who is in the image of any man or created thing. Others don’t want any type of god, because they want what they want and they know if they accept the only True God from the Bible they have to change.
Lets be humble enough to follow our only God who made this world and is giving us the great opportunity to follow him and be changed to his image. God is only asking us to Love Him and others.
This world need more people who love and not hate, more peace than war, more mercy than hate, more humbleness than self sufficient mentality.
God bless you with wisdom and love!!

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